The Lion Uniform
The Tiger Uniform
Official Lion Shirt (Short Sleeve)
note: official Cub Scout uniform shirt not needed unit Tiger Den (grade 1)
Official Hat
Official Cub Scout Pants or Shorts
Official Cub Scout Belt
Lion Neckerchief (provided by the Pack)
Lion Neckerchief Slide (provided by the Pack)
Each Year:
New Hat
New Neckerchief (provided by the Pack)
New Slide (provided by the Pack)
The Uniform Code:
Your child should/will be encouraged to wear the uniform appropriately. The shirt should always be tucked in and orderly and should understand the importance of representing the entire Scouts BSA Organization while in uniform.
Patches You'll need to Buy
To get an idea of pricing, or to order items online, visit This is the official online scout shop. They should have the same prices as our local scout shop.
Where to Purchase Items
Before most pack meetings we normally make a trip to the Scout Shop. You might contact the Advancement Chair if you need a patch or two - we might be able to save you a trip and pick them up for you at our cost. You are also welcome to order any needed items online or however you like.